Parent & Family Newsletter

The Parent and Family Newsletter regularly provides families and loved ones with important news and updates from the College. New Student & Family Programs views families as partners in education and encourages active participation in their student's experience at the College.
Who can join?
The newsletter is available to all family members of current Saint Mary's students. Whether you are local or long-distance, we welcome your involvement with the College. There is no cost to sign up and your membership lasts throughout your student’s undergraduate experience at Saint Mary’s College! Parents and families listed on their student's application are automatically added to the distribution list.
How do I enroll in the Newsletter?
Most parents of new students are automatically enrolled in the Newsletter upon their student entering Saint Mary's. Families can expect to receive the first newsletter during the first week of fall semester. If you do not receive the newsletters, don't hesitate to get in touch with Student Involvement to be added to the distribution list.
Newsletter Rules of Conduct
I understand that information sent over the Newsletter is public information that may be disclosed to parents, students, faculty, staff, and other Saint Mary’s community members.
I agree that I will not post any communications that are normally or knowingly considered defamatory, false, indecent, threatening, harassing, or disruptive to the participants on the Family Forum Listserv.
I agree not to upload, e-mail, or otherwise transmit any material (to the best of my knowledge) that contains software viruses designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer.
I understand that I may opt out of participating in the newsletter at any time.
I understand that failure to observe these rules and to conduct myself with appropriate etiquette will result in my removal from the distribution list.